The Infinity Stones

A Guide to the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Soul Stone


The Soul Stone purposefully imposes a test to those who try to claim it - only the sacrifice of a loved one to the Stone allows someone to wield it. The stone has the ability to manipulate the soul, the essence that makes up an individual, and has the ability to resurrect and conjure the spiritual representation of the people who are dead.


The Soul Stone has only made an appearance in Infinity War.

Appearances in the MCU

The Soul Stone's location in the Marvel Cinematic Universe remained extremely secretive until 2018's Avengers: Infinity War. Its location was revealed in a scene where Gamora is with her father, Thanos, on a planet named Vormir. The scene begins with the protector of the stone's sacrificial site being revealed as the Red Skull from 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger. The stone requires an exchange: a soul for a soul, in which one must sacrifice someone that they love in order to wield the stone.

Stills Where the Soul Stone was Present in 2018's Avengers: Infinity War

Thanos Sacrificing Gamora